My wife's cousin gave me this camera. It belonged to their grand father. That was long before I considered being a camera collector. I found it interesting but I was so happy with my Olympus OM1 reflex that I could not imagine any reason to use a camera that you have to advance the film, and cock the shutter (one at a time) and use a finder that was not through the lens. Guess what was the reason to use it first time ? Of course the medium format. The attraction of a large negative compared to the 35 mm. A 6 x 6 negative in a pocket size camera is an advantage that only this kind o folding camera can provide. Although pocket cameras should normally be fast to use and this is not the case here. This is an Ikonta B 521/16 produced from 1948 to 1953 by Zeiss Ikon. The lens NOVAR is a 3 element lens very effective for long distances. I used it a few times. Here is one picture I like very much. But it is true that it could have been made even with a pinhole. |