This is one of a series of folding 35 mm inspired on Ikontas. It is funny that after years of inertia, designing 35 mm the same way as 120, one might have realized that the space saved by a folding 35 mm was not that important like the one for a 6x6 or 6x9. Then all brands abandoned the bellows. The mecanism was not that simple because it should stay firm when unfolded. This saved costs and the rigid front cameras substituted all of them. Users started to loose the inconvenient lens cap that came with that change. Today we hardly find lens caps in any colectible camera with rigid front. When we look the sliding lens shade of today's point & shoot compared to the folding ones, we can realize what an elegant feature we have lost. It is like the gate of a castle ! and the lens comes out like a cannon eager to fire. This model has an uncoupled rangefinder. Shutter button on the lens is something not that good to control the precise moment because you have nothing around to rest your fingertip. It only fires with film because it is the perforated film edge that avoids double exposure. I have no photos in the pictures gallery made with this camera. But I added some here just to show that the results are as good as any modern camera for normal travel pictures |