Leica III f - Ernest Leitz GmbH Wetzlar, Germany - 1951

One initial remark is that I use the IIIc or IIIf indistinctly so I have the same pictures for both. No big improvements compared to the Leica II unless the slow speeds going down to 1s. But it is a bit bigger and a bit heavier. It is a beautiful design anyway. I use them with a Summitar 50 f2 or an Elmar 90 f4. One thing that is not so common nowadays but that is very convenient is the concept of colapsible lenses. These 2 cm you gain can make a difference when you want to put the camera in a suitcase or something like that. Mainly if you are the kind of person that always want to have a camera with you.
For more information about Leicas: try Leica Company Site
But if you want to go really into it don't miss Camera Quest

Here an advertising published in U.S.Camera 1951 with a prize winning picture taken with the Leica IIIc and the Elmar 90mm above featured. It is interesting to go through the 'advantages' of the Leica IIIc highlighted in this ad.

Quality inspection card. It is always nicer an old and classic camera when it comes with this little details.

...and some pictures...

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