This is the queen of all spy cameras. It uses special cartridges and makes negatives 8 x 11 mm. At this size depth of field is not a problem so it has a fixed aperture of f 3.5. Speeds can be set from T, B, 1 to 1/1000 s. Focus is adjusted by guessing the distance but this is also not a problem at all as the scale is highly compressed. It has paralax automatic correction on viewfinder and built in filters. It is nice to use but 8 x 11 mm is not that big so I would never have it as my only camera. I spool the cassetes using a home made flat bed cutter using 35 mm film. On the enlarger I use a Pentax Auto 110 18 mm lens and it performs quite well. There are people really crazy for Minoxes 8x11 and they can explain you in a thousand ways how the lens Minotar (three elements) is the best lens ever made. Case you want to have a look: Sub Club  
is for me the best to get started. |